
The Roads Of Detroit
A Series brought to you by Detroit Bold Coffee

Awesome-Style Coffee For Hardworking Humans Everywhere

Ever drive through Detroit and wonder where the name of the streets you travel on came from? You’re not alone! Detroit and its vast metropolitan area have a centuries-old rich, diverse history. The names of our streets weave a wonderful story that literally connects us all.  Let’s take a drive!

Destination: Mack Ave

What’s Up Mack

How many Mack’s are there, anyway?  Well, two “Mack’s” can take credit for the naming of this well known, Detroit city road. Named for Mayor Andrew Mack (1834) — or not… Wikipedia says that it was named for John M. Mack, who was a supervisor of Hamtramck. Here’s to you, Mack!

Mace Ave

The famed Detroit architect  Albert Kahn (1869-1942) home at 208 Mack Ave in Detroit


Detroit is loaded with an incredible history of hard-working people. Get a taste of what makes Detroit Bold!
